Friday, August 21, 2009

While I sit in the middle of my floor

I am very un-academically un-enthused about returning to school. What is that about? You would think that I'd be thrilled about one final semester at Saint Mary's. And yet, I sit here in the middle of my floor completely unamused about the idea of packing. Perhaps this is a sign that I'm ready for my real world life.

But really, the real world life I've set up for post-grad does not feel so real world. I'm returning to the Marina, which most days feels like I've either traveled into a fairy land or I've fallen down the rabbit hole. Which can be quite entertaining during those long summer days. However, I've committed to a more full-time, life long adventure into Wonderland. I think my biggest hesitation comes from some much needed acceptance that I may actually be doing what has entertained me most in recent years.

I love books, don't get me wrong. Literature has been my safe-haven and guide since I was very small. The books I read literally made who I am. I modeled myself after Austin's young women. I remember wishing to one day be like Elizabeth Bennet but with Emma's spunk. Later, Bulgakov, Dostoevsky and Nabokov all showed me that world really was mad. And in recent years, Borges, Marquez and Allende have taught me to believe and trust in those spirit that I see. I wouldn't trade the pain of Yeats' poetry or the hardship that Steinbeck conveyed. I adventured with Hemingway. And initially it all started with the dark cynicism of Edgar Allen Poe, who I still can quote. Poe may very still be the biggest influence on me to date. I live in a world of books, but I am fiercely protective of that world. And I'm not certain that I want to share it with any one else.

What does inspire me to work with others, to further my career is the world of merchandising, marketing, public relations and fashion. I have a knack for it. It is this world in which I feel I really want my career. I do truly believe that the Marina will give me a fantastic start to all of this. However, I feel like I'm being split into two. I've been so one track for so long, that I never really considered going off into this new direction. I'm scared. That's really what this comes down too. That and I've spent too many 1AM mornings worrying about this.

"All you need is a pen and a purpose"

That is my motto. I refuse to believe I actually wrote that. But maybe I did. I need to start with small steps. Step 1: Complete my degree. Step 2: To be determined at a later date.


Monday, August 17, 2009

In Desparate Need of Motivation

With less than a week before classes start, I'm only on page 12 of Marquez...yikes! I really need to dig in and get to reading. However, I'm struggling to read fast. I think it is because every time I read this book, I find even more that interests me. Hopefully this week off from work will allow me to make some progress, otherwise I'm going to be intensely stressed out when classes start. And we cannot have that!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And Now For What Everyone Has Been Waiting For...

Its now Thesis time. What does that mean? It means I will now become completely and totally obsessed with Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years Of Solitude. I fully intend to live and breath this book for the next four months. I'm so excited!

So I FINALLY did it...

Alright so this probably isn't the greatest start to a literary blog, but here goes anyway. I finally finished the Twilight saga. Judge if you will, but I do have some thoughts regarding this whole phenom.

First of all, like JK Rowling before her, I do think we have to commend Stephanie Meyer for doing what I would considering an amazing feat: she got an entire generation of Internet/TV/Video game obsessed teens to actually pick up a book and read it. So I'm instantly astounded by that. But she also did it while writing a very moral book. There was no pre-marital sex, no drugs, no underage partying. With young Hollywood setting less-than-stellar examples, I think its amazing the series is so very popular. The writing is not superb, by any means, yet Ms. Meyer does write about what every girl and woman wants: true, committed, undeniable love. And I find that refreshing. It was also incredibly nice to just get lost in a series of books that were not complicated, lacked heavy messages, and really did sweep me up in it all.

So, judge me if you will, but I am a Twilight fan. I am glad I read the books. I suppose *sniff* its time to move on haha. Oh and one final note, contrary to most fans of the books, I also seriously enjoyed the movie and cannot wait for New Moon to come out. Ok maybe I'm a little more than a fan....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Idea

As I am approach my next and final semester as an English major at Saint Mary's University, I realize that I am, without a doubt, at the precipice of change. Throughout my academic adventures I have found that, when it comes to me, very little stays the same. Three things have truly held my interest: literature, writing and music. With the knowledge that soon no one will care what my opinion is on Mikhail Bulgakov, I begin this blog. I want to write mostly about what I'm reading, some about what I'm writing and a little about what I'm listening to. It is also likely that I will be tempted to share other thoughts I have on art and the playhouse. I am not a professional critic. But I do READ a lot. And I have an opinion. Cheers!